Real Estate in Serbia – Your Safe Haven in Uncertain Times!

Real Estate in Serbia – Your Safe Haven in Uncertain Times!

I am from The Netherlands. A profound shift in the real estate market is happening in the Netherlands. The property right seems no longer assured, and the profit from renting your apartment or house is becoming taboo. What was once considered a solid retirement plan for entrepreneurs is now subject to long-term contracts that landlords cannot escape, rent ceilings, and increased taxes. Property owners can find themselves trapped in unprofitable situations with no way out. It seems only a matter of time before the campaign begins: ‘Property Owners! Contribute Your Share,’ to rent out without a return on investment.

Disclaimer: Don’t get me wrong! I would like to have affordable housing for everyone. In the ideal situation, renting is only for those who want a temporary solution or do not want to commit to ownership for an affordable price. But that doesn’t work if the government prevents building houses and apartments and, at the same time, chases landlords away. In the ideal situation, there are plenty of houses to buy, so everybody who wants to buy can buy for affordable rates. Not the rates of the banks of today. We blame landlords, but banks ask for even more money.

Are you a real estate entrepreneur in the European Union? Then, it’s time to be more of an ‘entrepreneur’ than just ‘real estate.’

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The Future of Real Estate in the European Union

The trend to discourage private rentals in The Netherlands appears to come directly from the European Union’s policy plans. This process will take time, but ultimately, the EU aims for uniformity, even in the real estate sector. I have severe doubts about countries like the United Kingdom and Spain, where many property owners flee.

vastgoed in belgradoWhy Invest in Real Estate in Serbia?

In 2021, the definition of secure real estate changed. Your piggy bank in the Netherlands turned into a cash cow, precisely at a time when people want to get rid of cows!

Serbia, amidst these international tensions, remains remarkably neutral. The country is on its way to becoming the Switzerland of the Balkans. It is sovereign and maintains good relations with the EU and the United States, as well as with Russia and China. Serbia offers solid banking secrecy, visa-free access, and an open European real estate market. Much of the real estate in Serbia is linked to government relations, making the market highly favorable for landlords.

Moreover, when flying is discouraged, investing in a location accessible by land is strategically wise. The tenant covers all costs, including gas, water, electricity, and homeowners association expenses. You have the freedom to extend or terminate the lease, and you decide what happens with your property.

Belgrado as the new IT Hub.

Belgrade is evolving into a significant IT hub, attracted by its geopolitical position. Companies like Huawei, Yandex, Microsoft, and European businesses are setting up here, leading to more affluent tenants. Additionally, many old buildings provide a sharp contrast to new real estate. The new IT professionals don’t want to live in drafty old houses, creating a demand for new constructions.

vastgoed kopen in belgradoHow Does Real Estate in Serbia Work?

Over the past few years, I have thoroughly explored the Serbian real estate market. Net returns of up to 7% are achievable. I’ve developed a method to manage real estate in Serbia remotely, and I have a reliable network on-site for all necessary services. I’m happy to tell you more about it and even offer the contacts that have gained my trust. I got my hands dirty when I started with real estate in Serbia. Trips in a small car to IKEA and Emmezeta to furnish apartments, on the one hand, drilling and window cleaning on the other. The more you learn, the more you understand and comprehend the procedures. Now, I’m at a point where I can pass the baton to you.

If you genuinely want to diversify in a country relatively close by, consider Serbia. In the following presentation, which you can download from my Google Drive, you’ll discover everything you need to know about investing in real estate in Serbia.

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Best Regards,

Marcel Duits

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