My Success Formula


I like to help fledgling entrepreneurs via my success formula. I share my knowledge and experience with students – the entrepreneurs of the future. I help entrepreneurs with all levels of experience and launch, sell, or optimise their businesses. And I help experienced entrepreneurs to sell their companies.

The winning combination

How can I help? I know what I’m talking about. I’ve launched companies. I let them flourish by using my success formula, and then I sold them – with Bye Bra being my biggest success story. By trial and error, I’ve learned that my companies are successful because I focus – almost obsessively – on the optimisation of the following four variables:


    • Speed – How quickly can x be done?
    • Time – Can x be done now or later?
    • QualityHow well can x be done?
    • Costs – What will it cost to get x done?



Optimise these variables with an entrepreneurial out-of-the-box mentality, and your company will become lean, effective, and unbeatable.

Change starts with a vision: a formula

Whatever I do for entrepreneurs, for me, one thing is clear: Creating insights is essential. Do you provide incentives for insights in your company? If so, then you make room for innovation and success. I like to call it “the ecosystem”. By creating a fertile ecosystem within the company in which ideas and insights can spring up, we create winning companies due to their competitive advantage.


the vision of an entrepreneur can be different


Invest wisely. Invest in wisdom!

How do you bring that ecosystem into your company? For me, it means investing in the following four factors that will fuel your mind and are the basis of my success formula:

  • Invest in talent. Talent is a catalyst for creating ideas. Talented employees have good ideas faster and more often. And you have to encourage that.
  • Invest in advisors. A consultant gives away a piece of himself – for example, knowledge or experience – to help you further your goals. Good advice brings existing knowledge and new information together, thus nurturing the ecosystem of an organisation.
  • Invest in training. Training courses expand and deepen the knowledge within your company. A broad knowledge base is a fertile breeding ground for new insights.
  • Invest in coaching. With proper coaching, you will find the power in yourself to come to new insights and creative answers yourself. Coaching is sustainable because results ultimately come from yourself, and so coaching has a long-term effect on the ecosystem.


If you’re not good at it, outsource!

Investing in yourself and your team via advisors, training, and coaching is the way to go to develop skills. But sometimes another organisation can complete a task better, faster, earlier, and cheaper. In this event, outsourcing is a better option than trying to do it yourself. When Bye Bra was in its start-up stage, I outsourced 95% of my work abroad. That’s because the remaining 5% was my expertise which became my competitive advantage. By optimising the above four variables and not taking location into account.

Extensive freelance network to apply my success formula

I have worked with freelancers from countries such as Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh since 2011. Outsourcing online services to these countries was pioneering at the time. Not that much later, I started a back office in Bulgaria driven by optimising the four investment mentioned above factors. A step that raised a few eyebrows at the time, but later turned out to be a great success. Since 2011, I have considerably expanded my network all over the world, a market from which (primarily) start-ups can benefit enormously. This network is part of my success formula. It doesn’t just optimize the four variables, it is also a tremendous flexible layer which is there when you need it.


A great example is the text on this website. My English is not that bad, but indeed not as good as a native speaker. For just a few cents per word, a proofreader helps me out. Where most corporate startups connect with expensive British language centers, I work with a qualified freelancer. Quick, in-time, high-quality and low cost. Why would you hire a fancy graphic designer around the corner for low skilled labour? There are plenty of other designers around the world who can do the job for a better price. Instead shouldn’t your graphic designer coordinate five graphic designers in India to increase the total output by at least 5? I will make your business unit quicker, better, cheaper and smarter. Use my network and do your work more cost-effectively!

Outrun the rest of the field

Involve me in your company, and in no time, your company will be at the top. Together we will see and seize opportunities faster, because together, we will create an optimal ecosystem within your company. With my experience, resources, financial strength and success formula, your company will become a success story!


The ideal ecosystem for a startup explained


But first … coffee!

Are you excited by this story? Are you wondering whether we are a match? Would you like to know more about how I apply my success formula? Do you see my value as an interim-consultant or business angel? Or how my vision can contribute to your company? Then let’s have a coffee or a drink – with no strings attached!

