Business Consultant Eastern Europe

Business Consultant Eastern Europe

With a profound understanding of Eastern (and middle) European markets and business strategies, Marcel is your go-to partner to advance your business. Drawing from his extensive experience, Marcel has built a vast network in many Eastern European countries.

Why choose Marcel Duits?

Marcel Duits deeply understands Eastern European mindsets. His insight into the unique cultural dynamics, business traditions, and people’s mentality enables him to develop strategies seamlessly aligned with the regional mindset. Marcel resides, does business, and invests in various Eastern European countries. Thanks to his profound knowledge, Marcel can offer practical and tailor-made solutions and insights that align with your business objectives.

Marcel’s education at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the School of Economics in Prague equipped him with theoretical knowledge and practical insights. As a successful entrepreneur, he has scaled brands from almost zero to ‘7-figure brands’ in dozens of countries.

 business expert east prague

He serves Eastern European countries to facilitate smooth collaboration and understanding with the West. He speaks Dutch, English, German, and French and has conducted business in almost all European countries. His business expertise benefits inventors, startups, and factories.

Expert Meeting

Marcel offers ‘expert meetings‘ on several subjects, in which he delves deeper into topics.

Market analyses, advising, establishing contacts

Marcel has experience conducting in-depth market analyses, advising, and establishing contacts. He is particularly enthusiastic about projects with an entrepreneurial character. Whether it’s concrete projects like setting up and accelerating a self-sustaining office, conducting negotiations, serving as an on-site observer, or scaling business activities, Marcel is up for the challenge.

Contact him today to initiate a conversation about the possibilities for the growth of your business.
